Філологічний факультет

Національного університету "Чернігівський колегіум" імені Т. Г. Шевченка

Educationalists’ Community

Slogan: Freedom, Care and Support 🤝

Plan of Activities for the “Educationalists’ Community”

-Discussion of the Plan for the “Educationalists’ Community” Activities (September 2024)

-Taking part in The International Contest of Digital Storytelling (October 2024)

-Taking part in the VІІІ All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference “Languages and Culture Dialogue in Modern Education”
11/14/ 2024 р., Sumy (November 2024)

-Taking part in the lecture organised by Inter-University Research Laboratory of TESOL Modern Technologies “Enhancing Learners’ Autonomy through Language Coaching Tools” (December 2024)

-Taking part in the meeting organised by Scientific Society”Modus”(T. Shevchenko National University), Kyiv. (December 2024)

-Review of the “Educationalists’ Community Activities” for the First Semester of the 2024–2025 Academic Year (January 2025)

-Discussion on the relevant topics to participate in All-Ukrainian Conference for Young Scientists (January 2024)

-Discussing the ways of professional development in TESOL (February 2025)

-Discussing Modern Methodological Approaches in the Field of Education (February 2025)

-Taking part in All-Ukrainian Conference for Young Scientists (March 2025)

-Dictogloss, SEL, Holistic approach in TESOL (April 2025)

-Interrelations in Language and Culture Teaching (May 2025)

-Summary of the Activities of “Educationalists’ Community for the 2024–2025 Academic Year. Prospects for Future Activities (June 2025).

Educationalists’ Community Plan: take part in International and All-Ukrainian conferences; contests in the field of education.

Educationalists’ Community is open for pre-service and in-service teachers of English

Svitlana Smolina svitlanapost@ukr.net

Everyone is welcome to join Educationalists’ Community: email to svitlanapost@ukr.net

2, 3 prizes in the I and II International Contest of Digital Storytelling.
Published theses in the International and All-Ukrainian Conferences’ Bulletins.

I’m grateful to Svitlana Smolina for expertise and supervision in my education, for the experience of successful taking part in international contests (Marharyta Didovets)
The care and support I gained in Educationalists’ Community gives me the strength to work on my professional development (Ann Kulich).
My first experience in taking part in an international scientific conference was gained in our Educationalists’ Community. Appreciate Svitlana Smolina for support (Alina Karpeko)